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发布时间:2023-05-06   浏览次数:798


李银,男,理学博士探究生,副教学,三明理工大学基础学科发展与探究生处副处长。2019年医生毕业生于🦩中国内地学科院师范大学,前后评为“湖南省高多各层次分入选专业人C类”,“三明市高多各层次分入选专业人C类”等。当下已在Nature Ecology and Evolution、Journal of Ecology、🎉Forest Ecology and Management、Science of The Total Environment、Journal of Plant Ecology、Science China. Life sciences和仿真植物环保学报等中国外刊物提出文献10余篇。🏅支持人国肯定生物学私募投资基金、期货、现货、微盘少年生物学私募投资基金、期货、现货、微盘、浙江省省肯定生物学私募投资基金、期货、现货、微盘、浙江省省大学本科学校的教育教研钻研活动等单选结题报告。




(2)森林地图群落建立、绿色设备修补并且 碳达峰/碳与。









Yin Liౠ, Xiaojuan Liu, Franca J. Bongers, Wubing Xu, Weikai Bao, Bin Chen, Guoke Chen, Ke Guo, Jiangshan Lai, Dunmei Ling, Chunjiang Liu, Xiangcheng Mi, Xingjun Tian, XihuaWang, Junhua Yan, Bo Yang, Yuanrun Zheng, Keping Ma. Effects of diversity, climate and litter on soil organic carbon storage in subtropical forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 2020, 476:118479.

Yin Liꦗ, Weikai Bao, Frans Bongers, Bin Chen, Guoke Chen, Ke Guo, Mingxi Jiang, Jiangshan Lai, Dunmei Ling, Chunjiang Liu, Xiaojuan Liu, Yi Liu, Xiangcheng Mi, Xingjun Tian,XihuaWang,Wubing Xu, Junhua Yan, Bo Yang, Yuanrun Zheng, Keping Ma. Drivers of tree carbon storage in subtropical forests. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 654, 684-693.

Yin Li🌊, Helge Bruelheide, Thomas Scholten, Bernhard Schmid, Zhenkai Sun, Naili Zhang, Wensheng Bu, Xiaojuan Liu, Keping Ma. Early positive effects of tree species richness on soil organic carbon accumulation in a large-scale forest biodiversity experiment. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2019, 12 (5): 882-893.

ꦦFranca J. Bongers, Bernhard Schmid, Helge Bruelheide, Frans Bongers, Shan Li, Goddert von Oheimb, Yin Li, Anpeng Cheng, Keping Ma, Xiaojuan Liu. Functional diversity effects on productivity increase with age in a forest biodiversity experiment. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2021. 5(12):1-10.

Franca J. Bongers, Bernhard Schmid, Zhenkai Sun, Yin Li🌊, Werner Härdtle, Goddert von Oheimb, Ying Li, Shan Li, Michael Staab, Keping Ma, Xiaojuan Liu. Growth–trait relationships in subtropical forest are stronger at higher diversity. Journal of Ecology, 2019, 108:256-266.

Guoyong Yan, Franca J. Bongers, Stefan Trogisch, Yin Li🐻, Guoke Chen, Haoru Yan, Xianglu Deng, Keping Ma, Xiaojuan Liu. Climate and mycorrhizae mediate the relationship of tree species diversity and carbon stocks in subtropical forests. Journal of Ecology, 2022, 110:2462-2474.

Lan Zhang, Xiaojuan Liu, Zhenhua Sun, Wensheng Bu, Franca J. Bongers, Xiaoyang Song, Jie Yang, Zhenkai Sun, Yin Li♉, Shan Li, Min Cao, Keping Ma & Nathan G. Swenson. Functional trait space and redundancy of plant communities decrease toward cold temperature at high altitudes in Southwest China.  Science China Life Sciences, 2022, 66:376-384.



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