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发布时间:2022-09-13   浏览次数:533

💝       陈凯,男,我国汉族,西北省邹城市发展人,共产党团员,博士后研发生,现为三明师范师范学院能源与化工类师范师范学院培训讲师。

🌃重点从事于納米产品、高分数子水妇科凝胶产品等关于行业领域的学习事情,当下已说出SCI发表文章标题文章标题十余篇。举办广东省培养厅该工程1项,三明市创新科技该工程1项,清流县区政府横截面合作关系该工程1项;充当最主要的成员介绍,参于部委自然生态实验货币基金该工程1项。担当Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology等论文期刊审稿人,中国有人生物体学都了解VIP,中国有人生物体建材都了解VIP。




[1]. Kai Chen🀅, Mingxiang Liu, Feng Wang, Yunping Hu, Pei Liu, Cong Li, Qianqian Du, Yongsheng Yu, Xiufeng Xiao* and Qian Feng*. Highly transparent, self-healing, and self-adhesive double network hydrogel for wearable sensors[J]. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10 (2022):846401.

[2]. Kai Chenﷺ, Yunping Hu, Feng Wang, Mingxiang Liu, Pei Liu, Cong Li, Yongsheng Yu, Xiufeng Xiao*, Qian Feng*, Ultra-stretchable, adhesive, and self-healing MXene/polyampholytes hydrogel as flexible and wearable epidermal sensors[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 645 (2022) 128897.  

[3]. Kai Chenꦜ, Feng Wang, Yunping Hu, Mingxiang Liu, Pei Liu, Yongsheng Yu, Qian Feng, * and Xiufeng Xiao*. Highly Stretchable, Sensitive, and Durable Ag/Tannic Acid@ Graphene Oxide-Composite Hydrogel for Wearable Strain Sensors[J]. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4, 3 (2022), 2036-2046.

[4]. Kai Chen🦂, Yunping Hu, Mingxiang Liu, Feng Wang, Pei Liu, Yongsheng Yu, Qian Feng, * and Xiufeng Xiao*. Highly Stretchable, Tough, and Conductive Ag@ Cu Nanocomposite Hydrogels for Flexible Wearable Sensors and Bionic Electronic Skins[J]. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 306.10 (2021): 2100341.

[5]. Lang Chen#, Chenyan Yu#, Yuan Xiong#Kai Chen#꧟, Pei Liu, Adriana C. Panayi, Xiufeng Xiao, Qian Feng*, Bobin Mi*, Guohui Liu*. Multifunctional hydrogel enhances bone regeneration through sustained release of Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1α and exosomes. Bioactive Materials. (2022).

[6]. Kai Chen𝓰, Zhengkun Lu, Yingqiang Qin, Guifen Jie,*. A novel PAMAM-Au nanostructure amplified CdSe quantum dots electrochemiluminescence for ultrasensitive immunoassay [J]. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2015, 754: 160-164. 

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