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发布时间:2021-04-30   浏览次数:1017

兰永强,男,2017年6月毕业于༒东北林业大学,工学博士。现为三明学院资源与化工学院副教授。主讲《物理化学》、《高分子化学与物理》等课程。主要从事高分子膜方向的研究。在《RSC Advances🌞》《separation science and technology》等学术刊物上发表论文10篇。


[1] Ping Peng, Yongqiang Lan*, Juxiang Luo. Modified silica incorporating into PDMS polymeric membranes for bioethanol selection. Adv🎀ances in Polymer Technology, 2019: 56102♍82.

[2] YongqiangLan, Ping Peng. Preparation of PIM-1 composite membranes and their applications for butanol recovery. Journal of Applꦅied Polymer Science, 2019, 136(1): 46912.

[3] Yongqiang Lan, Ping Peng, Ping Chen. Preparationꦍ of polymers of intrinsic microporosity composite membranes incorporated with modified nano-fumed silica for butanol separatio🦩n. Advances in Polymer Technology, 2018, 37(8): 3297-3304.

[4] 兰永强,彭平.《提取甲醇用渗透工作会更汽化热塑料膜》. 珠海大学专业出版界社, 2018.7.1

[5] Yongqiang Lan, Weihonꦛg Wang. Application of tree biochar in PDMS pervaporation membranes. Advances in Polymer Technology,𒊎 2018, 37(6): 1979-1986.

[6] Yongqiang Lan, Ning Yan, Weihong Wang. Optimization of the PDMS/biochar nanocomposite membranes using the response surface methodology. Sc♏ienc🀅e and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2018, 25(5): 947-956.

[7] Yongqiang Lan, Ning Yan, Weihong Wang. PDMS Membrane ꦕFilled with Biochar Core-shell Particles for Remo🥃ving Ethanol from Water. Bioresources, 2017, 12(3) :6591-6606.

[8] Yongqiang Lan, Ning Yan, Weih♉ong Wang. Application of PDMS pervaporation membranes filled with tree bark biochar for ethanol/water separation. RSC Advance, 2016, 6(53): 47637-47648.

[9] 兰永强, 史宝利. 偶联剂对奈米二阳极氧化硅/PDMS和好膜渗入液化机械性能影晌的分析. 現代煤化工, 2012, 32(11): 48-51.

[10] Yongqiang Lan, Ping Peng, Baoli Shi. Optimization of preparation conditions for PDMS-silica composite pervaporation membranes using response surface methodo♕logy. Separation Science and Technology, 2011, 46(14): 2211-2222.


[1] 王伟宏, 兰永强, 颜宁. 一种二氧化𝐆硅包覆生物炭增强乙醇选择性渗透汽化膜的制备方法[P]. CN106861470A, 2017-06-20.

[2] 🍌王伟宏, 兰永强, 颜宁. 一种改性酚醛ℱ树脂生物炭增强乙醇选择性渗透汽化膜的制备方法[P]. CN106823852A, 2017-06-13.

[3] GB/T 35816-2018, 王伟宏; 兰永强; 任世学; 王清文; 郝笑龙. 林业生物质原料分析方法 抽提物含量的测定[S].

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