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发布时间:2022-01-06   浏览次数:1380



  1. Jian-Han Zhang*;Zhi-Zhong Su; Ju-Xiang Luo;Yi Zhao;Hong-Gang Wang; Shao-Ming Ying*, Synthesis, structure, and characterization of a mixed amines thiogermanate [NH4]2[NH2(CH3)2]2Ge2S6, Polyhedron,2020, 182, 114486.

  2. Jian-Han Zhang*; Xian-Dong Hao; Xin Wang; Zhi-Zhong Su;Ju-Xiang Luo;Hong-Yan Wu;Fu-Xing Lin*, Synthesis, structure, and characterization of RbNdGe2O6 as a novel visible-light-driven catalyst for photodegradation methylene blue, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2020, 285, 121246.

  3. Jian-Han Zhang; Qi Wu*; Wen-Zhong Lai, 🏅A study of composition effects on the bandgaps in a series of new alkali metal aluminum/gallium iodates, Dalton Transactions,2020, 49, 2337-2344.

  4. Jian-Han Zhang*;🥃 Ming-Shui Lin; Meng-Yang Zhao; Meng Zhang; Jin-Yin Chang; Shao-Ming Ying*, Changes of optical transition models caused by crystal structural changes in CaSe2O5, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2019, 271, 115-120.

  5. Jian-Han Zhang*; ಞQi-Bing Wang; Chun-Le Chen; Ju-Xiang Luo; Jun-LingSong; Jiang-Gao Mao, “RbSe3B2O9(OH) and CsSe3B2O9ꦕ(OH): One dimensional boroselenite-based anionic frameworks with second harmonic generation propertiesDalton Transactions,2018, 47, 5764-5770.

  6. Jian-Han Zhang🙈; Daniel J. Clark; Ashely Weiland; Yong Soo Kim; Joon I. Jang; Jennifer A. Aitken*Li2CdGeSe4 and Li2CdSnSe4๊: Biaxial nonlinear optical materials with strong infrared second-order responses and laser-induceddamage thresholds influenced by photoluminescence, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2017, 4, 1472-1484.

  7. Jian-Han Zhang🐻; Daniel J. Clark; Jacilynn A. Brant; Charles W. Sinagra; Yong Soo Kim; Joon I. Jang; Jennifer A. Aitken*, Infrared nonlinear optical properties of lithium-containing diamond-like semiconductors Li2ZnGeSe4 and Li2ZnSnSe4, Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44, 11212-11222.

  8. Jian-Han Zhang; Fang Kong; Jiang-Gao Mao*, Crystal structures and second-order NLO properties of borogermanates, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2012, 195, 63-72.

  9. Jian-Han Zhang; Fang Kong; Xiang Xu; Jiang-Gao Mao*, ꧟A series of boroselenite-based open frameworks mediated by the cationic sizes of the alkali

metals, CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 8727-8733.

(10)Jian-Han Zhang; Fang Kong; Jiang-Gao Mao*, Ba3[Ge2B7O16(OH)2](OH)(H2O) and Ba3Ge2B6O16: Novel alkaline-earth borogermanates based on two types of polymeric borate units and GeO4 tetrahedra, Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 50, 3037-3043.

(11) Jian-Han Zhang; Chun-Li Hu; Xiang Xu; Fang Kong; Jiang-Gao Mao*, New second-order NLO materials based on polymeric borate clusters and GeO4🍸 tetrahedra: A combined experimental and theoretical study, Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 50, 1973-1982.

(12) Jian-Han Zhang; Pei-Xin Li; Jiang-Gao Mao*, Ln2GeB2O8 (Ln = Nd, SmTb): a series of luminescent lanthanide(III) borogermanates with a layered structure, Dalton Transactions, 2010, 39, 5301-5305



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