
您当前位置: 爱游戏(AYX)  化工系
发布时间:2021-06-17   浏览次数:1267



1. Zhao, Y.; Lin, Z.; Zhou, Z.; Yao, H.; Lv, W.; Zhen, H.; Linꦛg, Q., White light-em🥂itting devices based on star-shape like polymers with diarylmaleimde fluorophores on the side chain of polyfluorene arms[J]. Org. Electron. 2016, 31, 183-190.

2. Zhou, Z.-G.; Zhao, Y.; Zhang, C.; Zhou, D.; Chen, Y༒.; Lin, Z.; Zhen, H.; Ling, Q., A facile one-pot synthesis of hyper-branched carbazole based polymer as hole-transporting material for perovskite solar cells[J]. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2017, 5 (14), 6613-6621 (co-author)

3. Zhao, Y.; Yao, H.; Wei, K.; Zhen, H.-Y. U.; Yang, E.; Lin, Z.; Ling, Q., Dual♐-core star-shape single white polymers: effect of host struct🅷ure on luminescence properties[J]. PCCP 2017, 19 (20), 12642-12646.

4. Zhao,Y, Liu, Z.; Wang, J. Chen, Y. Cui, G. Xiao, W. Lin, Z. Ling, Q.Highly efficient white electroluminescence from dual-core star-shaped single polymer: Performance improved by changing the non-emissive core [J]. J. Mat🐎er. Chem. C  2018, 6, 4318-4324.

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